

Stéphane Bouhrour Thibaut Pépin and Julien Jaeger, Towards leveraging collective performance with the support of MPI 4.0 features in MPC, In Journal on Parallel Computing vol.109. (pdf|bib|doi)


Thomas Dionisi, Stéphane Bouhrour, Julien Jaeger, Patrick Carribault and Marc Pérache, Enhancing Load-balancing of MPI Applications with Workshare, In Euro-Par 2021 . (pdf|bib|doi) Romain pereira, Adrien Roussel, patrick Carribault and Thierry Gauthier, Communication-Aware Task scheduling Strategy in Hybrid MPI+OpenMP Applications, In International Workshop on OpenMP (IWOMP) 2021 . (pdf|bib|doi)


Bouhrour S. and Jaeger J., Implementation and performance evaluation of MPI persistent collectives in MPC: a case study, in Proceedings of the 27th European MPI Users’ Group Meeting – EuroMPI/USA 2020. (pdf|bib) Roussel A., Carribault P., and Jaeger J., Preliminary Experience with OpenMP Memory Management Implementation, In International Workshop on OpenMP – IWOMP’20. (pdf|bib) Reynier F., Utilisation de cœurs dédiés pour la progression des communications non bloquantes, in Conférence francophone d’informatique en Parallélisme, Architecture et Système – Compas 2020 (in french). (pdf|bib)


Denis, A., Jaeger, J., Jeannot, E., Pérache, M., Taboada, H., Study on progress threads placement and dedicated cores for overlapping MPI nonblocking collectives on manycore processor, in International Journal on High Performance Computing and Applications. (pdf|bib) Besnard, J. B., Jaeger, J., Malony, A. D., Shende, S., Taboada, H., Pérache, M., & Carribault, P. (2019, September). Mixing ranks, tasks, progress and nonblocking collectives. In Proceedings of the 26th European MPI Users’ Group Meeting (pp. 1-10). (pdf[bib) Vieira, R. B., Capra, A., Carribault, P., Jaeger, J., Pérache, M., & Roussel, A. (2019, September). Detecting Non-Sibling Dependencies in OpenMP Task-Based Applications. In International Workshop on OpenMP (pp. 231-245). Springer, Cham. (pdf|bib) Julien Adam, Maxime Kermarquer, Jean-Baptiste Besnard, Leonardo Bautista-Gomez, Marc Pérache, Patrick Carribault, Julien Jaeger, Allen D. Malony, Sameer Shende, Checkpoint/Restart Approaches for a Thread-Based MPI Runtime, in Parallel Computing (2019), doi: (pdf|bib)


A. Denis, J. Jaeger, E. Jeannot, M. Pérache and H. Taboada, Progress Thread Placement for Overlapping MPI Non-Blocking Collectives using Simultaneous Multi-Threading, in EuroPar 2018 Workshops : COLOC (pdf|bib) H. Taboada, Recouvrement des Collectives MPI Non-bloquantes sur Processeur Manycore, in Compas 2018 (in french). (pdf|bib) A. Denis, J. Jaeger, E. Jeannot, M. Pérache and H. Taboada, Dynamic Placement of Progress Thread for Overlapping MPI Non-Blocking Collectives on Manycore Processor, in EuroPar 2018 (pdf|bib) J. Adam, J.-B. Besnard, A. Malony, S. Shende, M. Pérache, P. Carribault and J. Jaeger, Transparent High-Speed Network Checkpoint/Restart in MPI, in EuroMPI 2018 (pdf|bib)


J.-B. Besnard, J. Adam, S. Shende, M. Pérache, P. Carribault, J. Jaeger and A. Mallony, Introducing Task-Containers as an Alternative to Runtime-Stacking, in EuroMPI 2016, ACM (pdf|bib) H. Taboada, Impact du placement des threads de progression pour les collectives MPI non-bloquantes,  in Compas 2016 (in french). (pdf|bib)


J.-B. Besnard, A. Mallony, S. Shende, M. Pérache, P. Carribault and J. Jaeger, An MPI Halo-Cell Implementation for Zero-Copy Abstraction,  in EuroMPI 2015, ACM. (pdf|bib) J. Jaeger, A. Mahéo, P. Carribault, M. Pérache and W. Jalby, Optimisation des opérations collectives dans les applications MPI+OpenMP, in Chocs Avancees 2014, pages 44-45 (2015) (in french). (bib)


J. Clet-Ortega, P, Carribault, and M, Pérache, Evaluation of openmp task scheduling algorithms for large numa architectures, in Euro-Par’14, volume 8632 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pages 596–607. Springer, 2014. (pdf|bib) A. Mahéo, P. Carribault, M. Pérache, and W. Jalby, Optimizing collective operations in hybrid applications, in EuroMPI ’14, 2014, ACM. (pdf|bib) S. Didelot , P. Carribault, M. Pérache and W. Jalby, Improving MPI communication overlap with collaborative polling, in Computing 2014, 96(4) : 263 – 278, Springer-Verlag New York, 2014. (pdf|bib)


S. Valat, M. Pérache and W. Jalby, Introducing kernel-level page reuse for high performance computing, In Proceedings of the ACM SIGPLAN Workshop on Memory Systems Performance and Correctness, MSPC ’13, New York, NY, USA, 2013. ACM. (bib)


S. Didelot, P. Carribault, M. Pérache, and W. Jalby, Improving MPI Communication Overlap With Collaborative Polling, in European MPI Users Group Meeting (EUROMPI’12), Springer, 2012. (pdf|bib) A. Mahéo, S. Koliaï, P. Carribault, M. Pérache, and W. Jalby. Adaptive OpenMP for Large NUMA Nodes, in International Workshop on OpenMP (IWOMP’12), 2012. (pdf|bib) M. Tchiboukdjian, P. Carribault, and M. Pérache, Hierarchical Local Storage: Exploiting Flexible User-Data Sharing Between MPI Tasks, in IEEE International Parallel and Distributed Processing (IPDPS’12), 2012. (pdf|bib) P. Carribault, F. Diakhate, H. Jourdren, and M. Pérache. MPC: A unified parallel framework for hpc, in Chocs 41, 2012 (in french). (bib) P. Carribault, M. Pérache, and H. Jourdren, Hiérarchie des données en parallélisme hybride, in Chocs Avancées 2011, pages 42-43, 2012 (in french). (pdf|bib)


P. Carribault, M. Pérache, and H. Jourdren, Thread-Local Storage Extension to Support Thread-Based MPI/OpenMP Applications, in International Workshop on OpenMP (IWOMP’11), Springer, 2011. (pdf|bib)


K. Pouget, M. Pérache, P. Carribault, and H. Jourdren, User Level DB: a Debugging API for User-Level Thread Libraries, in Workshop on Multithreaded Architectures and Applications (MTAAP’10), IEEE, 2010. (pdf|bib) P. Carribault, M. Pérache, and H. Jourdren, Enabling low-overhead hybrid MPI/OpenMP parallelism with MPC, in International workshop on OpenMP (IWOMP’10), 2010. (pdf|bib)


M. Pérache, P. Carribault, and H. Jourdren, MPC-MPI: An MPI Implementation Reducing the Overall Memory Consumption , in 16th european PVM/MPI users group meeting (EuroPVM/MPI 2009), 2009. (pdf|bib)


M. Pérache, H. Jourdren, and R. Namyst, MPC: a unified parallel runtime for clusters of NUMA machinesin Proceedings of the 14th international EURO-PAR conference (EURO-PAR 2008), 2008. (pdf|bib)